Studied for safety.
No factor IX inhibitors developed.1
In a clinical trial of 98 patients, IXINITY® was studied in children, adolescents, and adults that were previously treated with another recombinant therapy.1*

Average number of exposure days to IXINITY1

All were previously treated patients with at least 150 exposure days to another factor IX before switching to IXINITY.1

All were previously treated patients with at least 50 exposure days to another factor IX before switching to IXINITY.
Exposure day: A day during which a patient receives a factor IX infusion.
All had moderately severe or severe hemophilia B (factor IX level ≤2 IU/dL).1
Patients 7-64 years of age were divided into 2 regimens: routine prophylaxis (90%) and on-demand (10%).1
Patients under 12 years of age were divided into 2 groups: <6 years of age or 6 to <12 years of age.1
In an IXINITY clinical trial,* previously treated patients experienced:

- Your body may form inhibitors to factor IX.
- Patients should be monitored for the development of factor IX inhibitors if1:
- Expected factor IX activity plasma levels are not attained.
- Bleeding is not controlled with the recommended dose of IXINITY.

- No drug-drug, drug-food, or other interactions with factor IX products are known.1
The most common side effect in people using IXINITY in clinical trials was headache—observed in 2% of patients.1
7% (7/98) of patients reported a total of 15 adverse reactions. These were reported as probably or possibly drug-related.1
IXINITY: Manufacturing process designed for product purity and safety.
- Third-generation factor IX treatment
- No additional human or animal proteins are added during manufacturing.
- Employs a validated 3-step viral inactivation & removal process:
- Solvent/detergent treatment, chromatographic step, nanofiltration
- Utilizes a validated step to reduce the presence of CHO proteins
Third-generation product: Defined by the National Hemophilia Foundation Medical and Scientific Advisory Council as recombinant factor IX (rFIX) produced in Chinese hamster ovary cells; no human or animal plasma-derived proteins are used in the manufacturing process.
You can check out all the details about IXINITY safety and efficacy by reading the full IXINITY Prescribing Information.
*The efficacy (n=68) and safety (n=77) of IXINITY have been evaluated in a prospective, open-label, uncontrolled, multicenter trial in which previously treated patients (PTPs) between 7 and 64 years of age received IXINITY in either a routine or on-demand regimen.1
In children, the efficacy and safety of IXINITY have been evaluated in a prospective, multicenter, multicountry trial in 21 PTPs (<6 years and 6 to <12 years) who received once or twice weekly prophylaxis treatment with IXINITY for a mean of 159 exposure days.1
†IXINITY is FDA approved for adolescents and adults 12 years of age or older and children under 12 years of age.1
Reference: 1. IXINITY [coagulation factor IX (recombinant)] prescribing information. Chicago, IL: Medexus Pharma, Inc.; March 2024.